Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rubba dub dub

I'm bald. Accidentally. Done by my own hands. Here's my story:

So I'm sitting on the couch last night and think to myself, "I need a haircut." I didn't want anything too crazy. Just like a #4 or #6 buzz (what I usually get). So I then proceed to ask everyone in the house to help me with this task. No one will help me. Eventually Tony says he'll help me in a min. So I grab the clippers and head to the bathroom. I decided to go ahead and take some off the front since i can do that without assistance. I take a line from my forehead all the way to the back of my crown. It's only once i finish that line that i realize that I have forgot to put ANY guard on. Yes, Classic. We try to fix it by cutting it with a 4, 2, and even a 1. Nothing can fix it. I end up having to take it all off.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Toy

So, I had a Lil extra spending cash in my pocket last week and I decided to buy myself a new toy to play with. It's called an Invert mini:
I got to test it out for the first time this past Saturday at Insane Paintball. I had a blast! Really great facilities and staff to help me out with all my questions. I'll most definitely be going back and recommend it to anyone and everyone.


I'm super proud of my Men's & Woman's 2010 Olympic hockey teams. I never really watched it before but I'm most definitely a fan now.

Back on track

Wow. So I've done a pathetic job keeping up with this. This is my first post of the new year but I promise I'm gonna start doing a better job making entries. Since my last post in...November?...alot has gone on but since it's been so long i don't know if i can remember it all. Well, I'm now 20 (yay, not very exciting), I ended up not going to school (Oh well, eventually) and instead I've decided to join the United States Navy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ok, so I haven't had a new post in a while so here it is.  So what have I been up to.....

I'm getting ready for Stone Fort Triple Crown Bouldering Comp coming up in December. I'm psyched!! I've been hitting the gym pretty hard. I should do really well in my category. I have a pretty solid circuit out there with a lot of 4's and 5's hopefully I can throw down a 6 or two and take home first.

Been camping a lot. Good stuff.

Looking into possibly doing a December trip somewhere. Somewhere like California, Texas, Colorado, or Arkansas. We'll see. Things are just still in the idea stage. It would be sick! I've never been west of TN. 

Thats all for now folks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Good weather, Good friends, Good sends.

So I officially started off the 09-10 season with a trip to Rocktown, GA with Charles, Josh, and Dyno. Even though I've only made it out there three times its one of my favorite places to climb.The weather was beautiful and friction was great we had all the makings off a sick climbing day. After warming up for a bit I got on this really cool problem called Soap On A Rope (V4) and I keep falling on the sketchy top out. Another problem i really enjoyed was, one of the most beautiful boulder' ive seen, Comet (V5).
Josh ended up sendign two burly V8's and Charles sent the one super sick high ball V5 called Croc Bloc. Of course we stopped by Uncle Jed's and got some eatz. All in all a good day.

On another note I have officailly been up for over 36 hours. I am not sure how or exaclty why but i have. Insomnia??? Who knows. I plan on crashing hard after i finish writing this.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall is here

Fall is officially here and I love it. My big Smokey Mtn camping trip didn't exactly go as planned. I had to settle with a night at Chester Frost park in Soddy Daisy. Oh well what can you do? It was still fun though. Luckily we got the sweetest tent site in the park. We made a campfire, smores, the whole shebang.

I brought my climbing shoes but sadly there were no rocks to be seen. BUT me and my friend Ryan found a playground and we set a couple of sweet FA playground problems. I'm pretty sure every other camper in the park thought we were insane.

Ryan D on the FA of RIDING DIRTY

I went to the Ruby Falls Haunted Cavern last night with my cousins from GA. It was pretty good I must say. I enjoy haunted houses. I enjoy being scared. To really have fun at them I believe you gotta leave your cool kid's hat at the door. There was a long line to get in. We waited about a hour and twenty minutes but I thought it was worth it. I lead our group on the way through so I got majority of the scares taken out on me. But it is about that time to get ready for work. I'll check back in a couple of days.